Tarpon Fishing Charters Tampa Bay
Tampa Tarpon Fishing Charters are seasonal, usually from May to July and always on a catch-and-release basis. Tarpon in this area range from 60 lbs. to 200 lbs! Because of their size and the fight they offer, catching a Tarpon is something you will never forget!
Tarpon can be found in almost every waterway in the Tampa bay area, with the most common areas being around shallow water estuaries, mangroves, and hard grassy bottoms. Although Tarpon are a saltwater species, juveniles can be found in fresh water.
Tarpon can be caught using a variety of bait. The most commonly used bait to catch Tarpon are pass crabs, but they can also be caught with live bait like Sardines, Threadfin, and greenbacks.
The Right Fishing Tackle
Guests on the Spanish Sardine’s Tampa Tarpon Fishing Charter are provided top-of-the-line Star Rods and Penn Reels to use during their fishing excursion. You are welcome to bring your own fishing gear if you’d like.